Quantitas is partner in an international consortium that is carrying out Holobalance, a project under Horizon 2020 Personalized Medicine, funded by the European Commission. The overall objective of HOLOBALANCE is to develop and validate a new personalized hologram coach platform for virtual coaching, motivation and empowerment of ageing population with balance disorders.
The coaching part will be realized by holograms and augmented reality games, along with easy to use sensors (smart bracelet, smart glasses, sensorized soles) that can be customized to implement and coach the user with specific, individualized exercises, offering new forms of accessible user interaction. Others partner of the consortium are: University of Ioannina, University College London, Kings College London, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Medical Center Freiburg Neurocenter, University of Hamburg, BIOIRC DDO, Institute of Communication and Computers Systems, Age Concern London, SPHYNX Technology Solution, EIPIX Entertainment, and Roessingh Research and Development.