Traveller rating
Proportion of excellent ratings
Very good
Proportion of very good ratings
Proportion of good ratings
Proportion of bad ratings
Very bad
Proportion of very bad ratings
Time of year
March - May
Proportion of reviews on march, april, may
June - August
Proportion of reviews on june, july, august
September - November
Proportion of reviews on september, october, november
December - February
Proportion of reviews on december, january, february
Shannon for periods
Shannon index related to review periods
-(mar_may*ln(mar_may) + jun_aug*ln(jun_aug) + sep_nov*ln(sep_nov) + dec_feb*ln(dec_feb))
Other features
Average cooking rating
Average cooking rating (weighted)
Weighted means based on number of ratings
Average service rating
Weighted service
Average service rating (weighted)
Weighted means based on number of ratings
Average price-quality ratio rating
Weighted price/quality
Average price-quality ratio rating (weighted)
Weighted means based on number of ratings
Average environment rating
Weighted environment
Average environment rating (weighted)
Weighted means based on number of ratings
Price category
Average price category
Weighted price category
Average price category (weighted)
Weighted means based on number of ratings