Quantitas - Big Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Info Design

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Quantitas specializes in analyzing, interpreting data and using advanced data mining techniques and machine learning algorithms.

We will help you optimize and grow your business from the analysis of your data and through the expertise of data scientists, engineers and technicians specializing in AI with years of experience in business Analytics and Data Analysis.

Our data analytics are being applied in different industries:

University of Padua Sustainability Report

On behalf of the Engagement and Sustainability Sector of the University of Padua, Quantitas produced the web-based version of the University's Annual Sustainability Report 2023. The report is the last part of a project that began with the realisation of an integrated tool for the centralised and systematised collection of data from all the University Departments involved in the periodic and compulsory registration of information necessary for the drafting of the Annual Report. Spec...

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LookUP, a rediscovery of the attractive power of the sky

We are excited to announce Quantitas' involvement in LookUP, a COSME project aimed at promoting sustainable transformation in the tourism sector through re-discovery of the sky. As a work package leader, we are dedicated to contributing to its success by providing our expertise in KPI monitoring and KPI management. The LookUP initiative will concentrate on interconnected ecosystems, preserving natural, cultural, and scientific heritage, and promoting values such as ecology, biodive...

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TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System

Quantitas is delighted to announce its participation as a consortium partner to TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System project, an initiative funded by the European Union under the HORIZON.2.1 - Health scheme. TeleRehaB DSS targets the promotion of AI adoption in everyday clinical practice for balance rehabilitation training. An AI-based decision support system (DSS) will be developed expanding upon the existing Augmented Reality (AR) rehabilita...

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University of Padua in time and space, visualized by Quantitas

"How extensive is the University of Padua, and how much has it grown over eight hundred years of history? How many people have made Padua their home because of the University? Where did they come from and where are they headed? What kind of networking has branched off from the University of Padua, and how have they expanded their geographical presence globally?" Within the context of a series of events celebrating the University of Padua 800th anniversary, Palazzo Wollemborg is hos...

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CITIES2030: An Observatory for City Region Food Systems (CRFS)

Within the Horizon 2020 CITIES2030 project, and as a consortium partner, Quantitas has developed a digital observatory dedicated to City Region Food Systems (CRFS) - that is, territorial systems conceptualized by FAO in the early 2000s, whose goal is to promote sustainable and resilient food practices. The CITIES2030 observatory has been designed to be an aggregator of content regarding the world of CRFS, organized into sections that exhibit - respectively - policies, scientific li...

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Data Analysis
We help companies, institutions, end users make crucial decisions based on data analysis.
Analytics Development
We develop and build database, dashboards, advanced reporting systems and analytical software.
Visual Analytics & Info Design
We create visual storytelling built to analyze, explore and describe complex information systems.
Visual Survey and Gamification
We build user interfaces where the gaming element becomes functional to your data strategy.
Research Projects and Data Communities
We develop value through research and we are active members of a national network focused on Data Science.
Training and Competence Building
We help develop and we create your internal team of Data Scientists.

Our partnerships

Our technologies

android angularjs cesium css3 d3 hadoop html5 ios java jquery js knime leaflet mysql oracle pentaho php postgres python qgis qlik r rshiny tableau vba wordpress